Upcoming EventsWednesdays
Coffee Time 3:00 pm Thursdays Prayer 1:30 pm Puzzle Group 1:30 pm Bible Study - Deepening Your Prayer Life 7:00 pm Fridays Ladies Bible Study 10:00 am Sundays Service 11:00 am Hymn Sing 4:00 p.m. (3rd Sunday monthly except during July & August) - Prayer to follow |
Announcements & RemindersBirthday Celebrations – Coffee & Cake are served to celebrate birthdays on the last Sunday of each month.
Food Bank Box - The Food Bank is currently asking for only monetary donations at this time DAILY BREAD – We have a new Daily Bread in the Foyer on the desk. MISSIONS - Stamps are still being collected for the Canadian Bible Society. A pail is on the table in Foyer. Please remember to save your stamps and deposit them into the pail. We are also still doing the Barn Project for “Gift of Hope”, please deposit any loose change in the barn located in the Foyer. |